With motorcycle insurance, property damage coverage applies only when you are at fault in an accident in which someone else’s property is damaged.
As the chances of getting into such an accident are higher with bikes than with cars, you really do need a motorcycle policy even if it isn’t technically required by law in the state of Florida.
Property damage cover pays for the cost of repairing or replacing property. In Florida, you will generally have at least $10,000 property damage protection – but it is advisable to buy more since repair/replacement costs can soar very high indeed if you damage an expensive vehicle in a collision.
Examples Of Covered Property Damage Incidents
The most obvious type of incident that could qualify for a property damage liability claim would be a collision with another motorcycle or with a car or truck. This could happen on the open road or while the other vehicle is parked.
However, there are other types of property claims that are not all that uncommon. Many times, cyclists might accidentally damage a fence, mailbox, utility pole, or flag pole. Less commonly, they might hit a house, commercial building, garage, or shed. And even collisions that injure or kill pets are usually covered.
There aren’t very many exclusions, really – just about anything owned by someone else that you accidentally damage or destroy while on your motorcycle is going to be included.
Collision Coverage For Motorcycle Insurance
If your bike is very low-cost, you may not need to add collision and comprehensive coverage. Understandably, however, those who have invested thousands of dollars in their motorcycles won’t deem property liability enough.
Comprehensive and collision coverage can be added to your motorcycle policy at will. It will raise your premiums, of course, but it will give you the added peace of mind of knowing that not just the other person’s property – but yours too!, is fully covered.
For greater detail on your options as far as protecting yourself against paying out of pocket to repair or replace the property of others, in the aftermath of an accident, contact Flagler County Insurance Agency today!
We can also talk to you about comprehensive and collision coverage, bodily injury liability, uninsured & underinsured motorists insurance, and all other components of motorcycle insurance.