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What Does & Doesn’t Pet Insurance Cover?

What Does & Doesn't Pet Insurance Cover?
Millions of Americans are discovering the benefits of pet insurance with every passing year. And perhaps, you too may be getting ready to insure Fido or Fifi for his/her own protection and to avoid overwhelmingly high veterinarian bills.
But before you can make an informed decision about which policy to opt for or which pet insurer to choose, you first need to understand exactly what you should and should not expect out of a pet policy.

What Does Pet Insurance Cover?
While every policy differs, here are the basic features that many pet policies will include. Vet exam fees are typically covered for non-routine visits, though these too may be excluded under certain circumstances. Diagnostic testing like an X-ray, MRI, or blood test associated with sick or emergency visits are normally covered.

Treatment, rehabilitative therapy, medical supplies, and prescription medications are covered in a standard pet insurance policy. Treatment for all of the most common pet diseases are under the coverage umbrella, and this includes chronic conditions that last for a year or longer.

Hereditary diseases may not be covered under a regular policy but can typically be added under a policy rider for an increased premium.

Pet emergency room visits following an accident or the sudden onset of severe symptoms of a disease are certainly covered too.

What Won’t Pet Insurance Cover?
It’s important to know the basic facts about pet insurance, and that means knowing its limitations as well as its benefits.

Unlike human health insurance, pet health insurance does NOT cover preexisting conditions. In some cases, a preexisting condition your pet has recovered from and stayed symptom-free concerning for a specified period of time, can be covered should it recur. But otherwise, preexisting conditions are out. And that means a full health exam prior to enrollment in the policy.

Most pet policies won’t cover routine wellness and preventative vet visits. Routine care like vaccinations, teeth cleaning, and the like typically are excluded. Spaying and neutering, however, are sometimes included or can be added with a rider.

“Alternative” therapy like chiropractic care or acupuncture are often excluded, but they can be added with a rider IF they are prescribed by and performed by a duly licensed and trained veterinarian. Purely cosmetic and non-essential procedures will not be covered, and finally, note that pet insurance does not extend to liability against dog bite injuries or property damaged by your dog (but homeowners insurance may include some protection along this line!)

To learn more about how pet insurance works and how you can customize a policy that meets your pet’s needs and fits your budget, contact Flagler County Insurance Agency today!