Many people consider investing in vision insurance, but they may balk before they buy because they’re not quite sure if a vision insurance policy is really going to save them money. That’s a natural question with any type of insurance, and of course, weighing the risks of not having vision insurance and the benefits of […]
Month: April 2018
A Basic History Lesson on Pet Insurance
Pet insurance has a small but growing presence in the United States today, with around 1% of US pets being insured. But worldwide, pet insurance is a much bigger industry, with 25% of the UK’s pets being insured and 50% of dogs in Sweden being covered. Interestingly enough, the first US pet to get insured […]
How To Get A Lower Motorcycle Insurance Quote
In Florida, motorcycles are an extremely popular popular mode of transportation, both for their gas-saving ability and the pure pleasure of cruising in our state’s warm, sunny climate. But motorcycle insurance is both a necessary and a significant expense. In fact, given the high accident and theft rates with motorcycles, it’s hard to overstate the […]
What Factors Will Affect My Life Insurance Quote?
If you are thinking about applying for a life insurance policy soon, then you already have a number of important matters on your mind. These include how your loved ones will manage without the income you provide after you pass away, whether to buy whole or term life, the potential tax benefits of life insurance, […]
How Dental Insurance Protects Both Oral And Overall Health
Why invest in dental insurance? The question is tantamount to asking, why is it important to carefully guard my oral health? Dental insurance can and often does save you money on preventative and corrective dental care, provided you choose a policy that best fits your needs. But, it also makes you much more likely to […]
Collision And Comprehensive Auto Insurance: What Do I Need?
Florida, like other US states, requires only basic personal liability auto insurance – and there is never a time when state law will require anyone to buy collision and/or comprehensive auto insurance coverage. That said, you may be required to buy collision and comprehensive auto insurance by your auto loan lender or by a company […]